Welcome to the PinGame Journal Web Site!
and this is World of Pinball ARCHIVE (Check out STERN PINBALL UPDATE for news about Stern Pinball) Also we are building an impressive YouTube channel with many videos from shows and interviews with key pinball people. Check them out and subscribe to the channel by clicking PGJ YouTube READ THE WORDS AND CLICK THE LINKS TO BE IN THE KNOW! (As an archive there are lots of photos that may take a moment to load. Be patient. You can search for a word by pressing Ctrl F and typing the word in the search window!
August 26, 2013
Click Raw Instinct for more information about the exhibit.
April 30, 2013 -- CAPTAIN NEMO NEW MUSIC!
March 23-24, 2013 -- MIDWEST GAMING CLASSIC
March 20-22, 2013 -- AMUSEMENT EXPO
March 15-17, 2013 -- TEXAS PINBALL FESTIVAL
January 28, 2013-- Heighway Pinball's Full Throttle Detail All that's really left to see is an actual game! Andy Heighway and company have moved forward with this project at nearly unheard of speed and with news that two prototypes are nearly complete and playable, we look forward to seeing the result soon.
Renderings of the playfield, details (note "accelerator" unit at the top) and the full game.
Cabinet art along with a playfield detail rendering.
Photos of the actual screened playfield with LCD screen window. Note the flipper cut outs in the playfield ... hmmmm?? (Noted pinball author and the man on the "inside" of the UK pinball scene, Gary Flower, adds that HP plans to have easy to repair pinball mechs and these cutouts will allow the entire flipper assembly to be removed from the bottom of the playfield with minimal work.)
January 25, 2013-- Heighway Pinball's FULL THROTTLE TRANSLIGHT ART!
SEEN HERE EXCLUSIVLY FIRST (regardless of what you might be asked to believe elsewhere). This is the final translight, cabinet side and apron art for Full Throttle. The artist, Ian Richardson, is a well-known comic book illustrator. The only part of the art that is unfinished at this point, is the plastics. Brian Dominey has written most of the code and the game rulles are done and being tested on the actual game at this time. Andy Heighway and his game were scheduled to be at the EAG show in London this week but due to some last minute details that needed atention, it was decided that rather than rush the process, the first public showing of the game will be delayed at least a few weeks.
However it was close, as Andy reports that the full game, screened playfield, ramps, toys and programming is very nearly complete.
January 23, 2013-- NPR's THE TAKE AWAY DOES PINBALL!
Pinball, once banned for nearly 40 years in cities across the country, is experiencing a small renaissance despite the demise of its video game brethren. While arcades shutter their doors, unable to afford rents and repairs to machines, pinball enthusiasts are congregating in bars and at tournaments and keeping the sport alive."
It was the only part of this magnificent game that needed a little excitement and now it can. Take a look at this teaser and shuttle on over to the Color DMD site to check it out and get one for your game. As the saying goes, "Resistance is futile!"
January 3, 2013-- FIRST and EXCLUSIVE Full Throttle Detail! This is the FIRST rendering released of those bumpers in the raised position. They look like they would really cause some interesting ball movement. There will be more on this game soon, both here and in the PGJ.
December 26, 2012--CRACKED "Where Aren't They Now?" Honors (?) Steve Kordek! The article takes a little "artistic" license with the facts but the basics are there and as Jim Burrhill said when he let me know it was there, it is nice to see Steve get a nod in this media. The other 12 segments are funny, weird, interesting and in their own ways, worth reading so check them all out by clicking STEVE
December 7, 2012--DENNIS NORDMAN JOINS MULTIMORPHIC TO CREATE A P3 GAME! Multimorphic, the maker of the P3 pinball prototype game has announced today that classic pinball designer, Dennis Nordman has agreed to work with the company as an advisor and produce a game design for the platform. The P3 platform is quite unique in that it combines an LCD “pinball touch screen” lower playfield with a traditional, but modular, upper playfield, real mechanical flippers and slingshots, and most importantly a real pinball. The result is a multi-game platform that uses both virtual and physical interactions to enhance the pinball experience. Gerry has demonstrated that these virtual and physical worlds can coexist and apparently, with the addition of Dennis, he is ready to move to the next level. PGJ: Hey Dennis, I’d like you to tell me about your recent connection to Multimorphic and Gerry Stellenberg, but first talk a little about what’s been going on lately. As of August, Whizbang was kind of put on hold because Greg went to work at Stern. That put me and Whizbang on hold and I’ve been looking for something to do. I have a private project I’m working on but I needed some kind of employment. I have talked to Stern off and on but nothing has come of that as of yet except the Whoa Nellie project. PGJ: Whoa Nellie? Yes. We have had such a large interest in these four custom games that we are looking at the feasibility of producing a run of them. We talked to Stern and they are now researching the cost of producing them for us. As soon as we get the bill of materials from them we can begin to discuss if it would make sense. We, of course, have talked to our four owners and they are happy to see more produced but these will be different in a number of ways. It will be a production game. For one thing, they won’t be custom built games by me and Greg. They may have different software or hardware … these things have not been decided yet. That project, if it happens, will not be for quite a while yet. SO … I can see a lot of potential in it and ways to change even more things, and make it a good mechanical flowing game at the same time the player is interacting with the LCD screen. I’ve been very impressed with Gerry and what he’s accomplished but I’m even more impressed with his open-mindedness and understanding of developing new ideas. When I’m talking to Gerry I feel like I’m back in college again where they actually want new ideas. We both felt that it would make a positive impact if he was able to announce that an experienced pinball designer was on board. So we came to a tentative agreement. One issue is that he wants to get financing for the venture. I like the fact that he doesn’t want to use player’s money to start his company because he doesn’t want to put them at risk. The game I’m going to make will have a creative, unlicensed theme. I’ve heard people plead for that for a long time. We are kicking around theme ideas. It always takes a while for something to geI. I always start with many ideas, maybe a hundred or so and eventually one or two rise to the top. I also have some ideas for some new mechanisms for the game. However, I do know that my game will not have only two little tiny playfields at the top. I’m doing my best to make sure it doesn’t look like that … there will be physical things over the screen in certain areas. PGJ: Wait, you’d have to suspend the items over the screen somehow, wouldn’t you? Dennis: We’re going to use MAGIC, Jim! PGJ: Oh … well, that’s ok, then! Do you have any final comment? Dennis: It’s much more FUNNER outside the box! For more info on Multimorphic visit: www.multimorphic.com.
October 5, 2012--The Pacific Pinball Show/Museum is Looking For a Perminent Home.
Also you can read an article about the PPM and its potential future from Gordon Hasse by clicking GORDO
For a larger image of the flyer click HERE.
April 15, 2012--Video "Looks" and Interviews From Michigan and UK Shows! Both the Michigan Pinball Expo and the South Cloast Slam have just ended and the PGJ was in two places at once collecting interviews and images from both shows. Check them out as well as other recent interviews at the PinGame Journal YouTube Channel by clicking PGJYouTube
March 23-25, 2012--PinGame Journal YouTube Channel Interviews! On my way to the Midwest Gaming Classic we stopped in to see good friend John Popadiuk in his design studio where his very limited (10) game Magic Girl is taking shape and plans are proceeding on Ben Heck's Zombie Adventurland. There are a number of projects in the works for this Popadiuk/Heck team. The night before the show, collector Tom Taylor opened his massive collection to show attendees and also took time to explain it all to you in the second video below. At the MGC I ventured into the lower level of the hotel to experience the Ben Heck Experience and experience it first hand from Ben. Then it was back upstairs to talk to Dennis Nordman about Whoa Nellie and other stuff. Take a look to get an up-to-the-minute idea of what these pinball people AND the Midwest Gaming Classic is all about. Also feel free to subscribe to the PGJ YouTube Channel by clicking pinjournal.
"It is with sorrow that I write this note. Neil Falconer, an original pioneer in the game industry and significant creative force at IGT, lost his life in a car accident on March 21st.
National Public Radio remembered Steve in an interview with David Silverman of the National Pinball Museum. Click STEVE to hear the report at the NPR site.
Williams/Bally sound guy, Jon Hey, has been collecting all kinds of items relating to Steve and has kindly given the PGJ premission to send the link out to all. Click KORDEK to down load the folder.
February 16, 2012 PGJ FIRST: Official Ben Heck's Zombie Adventureland trailer! The PinGame Journal is FIRST ON THE PLANET to present designers John Popadiuk and Ben Heck's trailer announcing their upcoming game. See it by clicking
ZOMBIE! (to enjoy the teaser in its full HD splendor please allow time for the video to download and watch in full screen mode. If you are in a hurry, click this ZOMBIETTE for a smaller file)
BUT THAT's NOT ALL! This video offers just a hint at the innovative game plans and creative design these two have in store for pinball. This release is to be followed by the official unveiling of the game's website at Midnight tonight. HOWEVER-- PGJ supportors have the chance to experience the site FIRST, before anyone else, by clicking LIVING DEAD right NOW ... look around, there's lots of cool stuff there!
February 15, 2012 WOZ Cabinet! As a Valentines Day gift to its customers, Jersey Jack Pinball released photos of the just arrived updated Wizard Of Oz cabinet. For more info on this game and JJP click HERE.
February 1, 2012 The BBC visits the Pinball Hall of Fame! A reporter and crew from the famed BBC ventured across the pond to pay a visit to Tim Arnold and his PHOF. The report is available on the BBC website however it is blocked to us lowly colonials. But never fear, the PGJ is here to give you access to the full report. Check it out below. Thanks to David Ainslie for his embedding help. (may not play with Internet Explorer)
July 1, 2011--National Pinball Museum is given a reprieve. As reported below (June 14, 2011) the NPM was set to leave its home on July 4th but it was recently announced that an extention to Labor Day has been negociated.
Check out the museum's site by clicking NPM
June 22, 2011--Stern has released the official Tron Legacy video
June 14, 2011--The National Pinball Museum is Forced To Close and the date (July 4) is only a little more than two weeks away. It's amazing what a new owner with no sense of fairness can do to a dream come true. David Silverman and his crew put an amazing amount of energy into this Georgetown location and it's a shame it has to end so soon. Check out more in the June 1 PGJ Newsletter by clicking PGJ Newsletter and look for more in a future issue of the PinGame Journal. Also check out the museum's site by clicking NPM and view some cool panoramic photos of the place from Bernie Kelm at Pano. After you click, just scroll down. Here's just one to give you an idea.
April 29, 2011--FIRST TRON PIX! Just days after a Stern letter to distributors was sent (summarized below) these TRON pinball photos showed up in the PGJ inbox. More info soon.
With TRON, we continue the design philosophy that has been successful with Iron Man, Avatar and The Rolling Stones. Our
games are playing shorter and have more randomness. Our TRON pinball puts the players in the middle of TRON movie and video game action battles. This is a fast moving game. TRON has 3
flippers, including an upper flipper to shot one of the two fabulous fast action ramps. We have not utilized a 3rd flipper in a while and players will enjoy it. In the center of the playfield, near the top, there is a motorized 3 bank target assembly the player must hit and lower to gain access to the illuminated, motorized spinning disc representing TRON's Identity Disc. The disc shoots the ball randomly across and around the playfield. Ramp shots take the player to an exciting Light Cycle multiball. The player shoots at the miniature TRON video game to start exciting features and collect big points.
TRON: Legacy is a visually exquisite 3D movie and our pinball has captured the same exquisite visual, including its 3D backglass. Music is from movie and perfect for pinball.
We have been playing TRON, and we are really having fun. Because this is truly a collectors and enthusiasts dream title, we will make a TRON Limited Edition version in late June.
Lyman started his pinball career at Data East and his first game is listed
as Tales From The Crypt
in 1993. He continued at Data East through 1994 with Maverick and then went
to Williams to program Attack From Mars, Medieval Madness, Monster Bash and
was part of the software team for Revenge
From Mars. Then returned to Stern, working on games from The Sopranos
through Avatar. Now,
after a short stint at WMS Gaming programming slot machines, he's back to
while plans are still uncertain, one thought has him concentrating on Steve
Ritchie designed games
for Stern. But no matter how his unique talents are used, he's sure to be a
welcomed addition to
the recently expanding Stern design team. The light at the end of the tunnel
is getting brighter
and brighter. There will be more on this announcement in the next PinGame
March 2, 2011--Steve Ritchie is back at Stern! Stern Pinball, Inc.,
the world's only maker of real pinball games, announced today game designer
Steve Ritchie will be joining the Stern Pinball team. Ritchie is often
referred to in the gaming world as the "The King of Pinball" and "The King
of Flow" for his quick paced pinball games utilizing shot-based flow
patterns mixed with target-based geometry.
Ritchie has been designing pinball games since the 1970s, producing such
notable titles as Superman, Stellar Wars, Black Knight and Terminator 2:
Judgment Day. Ritchie was the first designer to incorporate multiball game
play, ball lane change, transparent playing fields, as well as the first
multi-level pinball machine. Ritchie had previously been contracted by Stern
Pinball in 2001 to design eight machines including Elvis, Spider-Man and
Terminator 3.
"I am elated to bring my 30 years of design and game experience to Stern
Pinball and work as part of the new Stern team," said game designer Steve
Ritchie. "I am honored to work with Gary Stern and Dave Peterson, along with
the talented Stern staff on an exciting new chapter in pinball history. Long
Live Pinball!"
"We are all very excited about Steve's arrival at Stern," said Gary Stern,
founder, CEO and chairman of Stern Pinball. "Steve's expertise in the art of
pinball design and imaginative work will take our machines and game design
to a whole new level. Our goal at Stern is to continually push the envelope
of what is possible and has never been done. Steve's work is on par with
that vision." (Stern press release)
For more on this announcement click HERE.
February 15, 2011--Stern makes it official, their next pin, Rolling
Stones, is in production. Look for more detail in a future issue of the
PGJ. To learn more about this latest game from Stern, visit their web site
by clicking STERN.
January 25, 2011--The game, in slightly different form from the one
shown in Germany last week, is currently a the UK's EAG Expo. Take a look at
some recent EAG photos from Gary Flower below and scoll down to see photos
from the German show.
January 18, 2011--The first unofficial photos of the Rolling Stones
from the IMA industry show in Germany graciously sent to the PGJ by
Drugi@Flippertreff.de and the shot of Gary Stern with the Stones by Heri
Eiden. NOTE: This is not the final, approved art. The purpose is to give
show attendees a peek at the game in developement. Look for final, approved,
official photos on this PGJ web site when they are released.
FIRST STONES PIX!--The game mock-up to the left shows the latest
version of the art to be previewed at German and UK industry shows this
month. This version is meant more as a preview, as most aspects are still in
the completion stage back in Melrose Park at Stern.
October 13, 2010--Stern releases its Iron Man Classic model. This is
a "home use only" version of its coin-op game Iron Man Pro. Read a PGJ
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Stern Pinball's, Gary Stern about the game and
other Stern plans at PinGame Update by clicking above.
October 13, 2010--Rick Bartlett of Bay Area Amusements along with mega
collector Matt Christiano announces the purchase of the Willams Pinball
assets from Australia's Wayne Gillard (The Pinball Store). The new
company will be called Planetary Pinball Supply (PPS). Rick reports that he
mysteriously ducked out of the Pacific Pinball Exposition a little early a
week ago Sunday to catch a plane to Australia and supervise the filling of a
container mostly with parts. It is currently on a boat traveling across the
ocean and anxiously awaited at PPS headquarters in San Jose. Matt hopes to
continue as well as expand Wayne's efforts to try, for one thing, to get
parts made and into the eager hands of collectors around the planet. For
more on this historic business transaction, check out their web site at Planetary Pinball
September 14, 2010--AVATAR official press release--click PinGame
Update above for more.
September 9, 2010--AVATAR in production! See exclusive offical
photos at PinGame Update
August 18, 2010--Stern's Avatar nears production start!
PinGame Update.
IT'S A FAMILY AFFAIR: Hot off a second place finish at the recent IFPA World
Championship, Andy Rosa took first in the "A" division at the MPE. But the
Rosa family wasn't finished as son Andrew grabbed the "B" division title and
daughter Ahna flipped her way to the top of the "Wizards In Training"
bracket. Read more about this first ever Michigan show by clicking HERE.
John "Koz" Kosmal, organizer of the Michigan Pinball Expo (MPE), was
interviewed by international best selling author and Detroit radio
personality, Mitch Albom about the MPE to be held in Rochester Michigan on
July 8-12, 2010. Download a podcast of the interview by clicking HERE and get more
info on the MPE at their web site by clicking HERE.
Ground Kontrol Arcade won the prize sponsored by Stride gum by posting the
most points "donated" by supportors (including a good number of PGJ
readers!) who played an on line game called Cowbots 2010. GK's Art Santana
promises the money will be used for good: increasing the number of games at
the arcade including adding to their already impressive lineup of pins. Take
a look at the GK site by clicking HERE.
The countdown clock has stopped and the brand new Stern website is LIVE!
Visitors to sternpinball.com will
be greeted with many new features that make this, according to Jody Dankberg
of Stern, more of a public, consumer site than the old commercial, industry
type. Read more at the PinGame Update page.
Stern Pinball, Inc. is conducting a limited market test exclusively in
select Costco stores.
Stern will continue to build its full line of traditional coin op pinball
games as well as collector models.
Costco Store test locations are the following:
Carlsbad, CA; Rancho Cucamonga, CA; Simi Valley, CA; North Fresno, CA; Reno,
NV; Tigard, OR; Issaquah, WA; St. George, UT; San Antonio, TX; Houston, TX;
Overland Park, KN.
The event, open to the public, will include a new digital cinema
presentation with the original quintaphonic soundtrack and a onstage panel
dission hosted by Murry Lerner (The Amazing Journey: The Story Of The Who)
with special guests director Ken Russell and editor Stuart Baird. For more
information and tickets, visit the Academy website by clicking HERE.
April 12, 2010--Stern, in conjunction with the IFPA, announces four
(count them ...four) simultaneous Iron Man launch parties around the US!
Hot on the heels of the official Iron Man press release distributed last
week came an announcement from Josh Sharpe of the IFPA that they will be
hosting four Iron Man launch parties.
The episode began with a message to Stern:
January 14, 2010--Stern's Big Buck Hunter Pro pinball officially
Slated to be on the production line late this month, Stern has sent out the
official press release for this game. Based on the popular arcade game of
the same name, besides the Stern crew of Lonnie Ropp, John Borg and Lyman
Sheats, it features contributions from Raw Thrills/Play Mechincs' Eugene
Jarvis, Geroge Petro, Mark Ritchie, Scott Pikulski and Ken Hale as well as
John Youssi who created the art package for both games. You can read a very
preliminary overview of the game by clicking HERE, read the full Stern press release by clicking
HERE and look for
an indepth discussion of the game, including a "behind the scenes" glimpse
at the design process, in a near-future PinGame Journal!
This morning on the NPR broadcast Weekend Edition, Liane Hansen conducted an
interview with David Silverman about his collection of over 800 games and
his goal to create the National Pinball Museum. What a great showcase for
pinball ... you da man, David! Take a look and a listen to the interview by
clicking HERE and check out David's museum web site by clickingHERE and help
out by giving a buck or more to the cause by clicking "sponsorship."
It's been a long time coming, but Tim Arnold has moved his Pinball Hall of
Fame into a stand-alone building that is owned, not rented. The Las Vegas
Pinball Collectors Club has purchased a building that can hold about twice
the games and is about half the distance to the Strip as the old place.
There are photos at the PHoF web site which you can see by clicking HERE. Look for more on this promising
upgrade in the January, 2010 (#138) issue of the Pingame Journal!
The episode "Thursdays with Abie" (which featured an appearence by Detroit
area local celeb Mitch Albom, author of "Tuesdays With Morrie") contained a
pinball opening that consisted mostly of a giant pinball machine named Couch
Gag Chaos featuring the Simpsons family being bumped and shot around the
playfield, all finally draining, as all pinballs do. You can see the opening
along with the entire episode at the Fox site by clicking HERE and click on
"Thrusdays With Abie" (Season 21, Episode 9). The Simpsons have been the
subject of two pinball machines, check out the Stern Pinball site to see the
most recent, Simpsons Pinball Party by clicking HERE.
This game is jam packed with features including the ability to customize the
playfield giving the player the ability to play the resulting game. Get all
the details by clicking HERE.
Stern Pinball, Inc. announced today that it has closed a financing and
partnership agreement with a group of investors led by David J. Peterson, a
founder and Managing Director of Hagerty Peterson & Company, LLC. Under the
agreement, the new investors will provide capital and services to Stern
Pinball, Inc. with the goal of expanding the Company?s business. Mr.
Peterson and his colleague, Daniel P. Wallace, will join the Company?s Board
of Directors. Gary Stern will continue in his role as Chairman and CEO of
the Company.
?We?re very excited about this new partnership with Dave and his
colleagues,? said Stern. ?They have an impressive history of building
successful businesses and are bringing fresh insights to the Company that we
believe will be very helpful.?
?We were impressed by the commitment of the Company?s customers, suppliers
and employees to pinball, which we share,? said Peterson. ?It will take
some time, but we think we can help the Company better serve that community
and expand.?
The story is about the era when pinball was illegal and the efforts to
remove the stigma of gambling and prove the game requires skill and not
chance only. Take a look by clicking HERE.
Freelance writer, Lisa Pevtzow interviewed pinball people around the globe
to create this feature on pinball which hit its stride in Chicago and look
in on 98 year old classic designer Steve Kordek. She also talked extensively
with Gary Stern of Stern Pinball, Inc and presents an updated view of the
company and its head. (Link currently broken--we're working on it!) Click Chicago Tribune-Kordek to read both
March 15, 2009 ESPN "Sports Center" puts pinball front and center
The text message from Trent Augenstein read, "I'm going to be on Sports
Center tonight, briefly." He was. However, the spot focused on ex NBA player
Todd MacCulloch who switched to pinball for his professional sports
excitement as he won his first ever individual trophy in any sport at the
2009 Texas Pinball Fest tournament. Todd finished second to Trent's first
place effort but as Todd's first, it was a special moment.
?The Big Guys Pinball team is pleased to announce that a licensing agreement
for Nucore has been finalized. WMS Gaming Inc. approved a licensing
agreement between Big Guys Pinball, Illinois Pinball Corporation and The
Pinball Factory. This agreement will allow Big Guys Pinball to market and
sell Nucore worldwide. Nucore will be exclusively distributed by Pinball Life of Huntley, Illinois. Big
Guys Pinball will be releasing Nucore pricing and component details in early
March so visit them by clicking HERE for
more details.
PGJ's Mini Interview with Nucore's Chuck Hess
PGJ?Chuck, we have talked a lot in the past about how you were going to
navigate the dangerous licensing waters as you brought out this product.
Your announcement reveals that you are covering pretty much all the bases.
Was this a requirement you had to meet before Nucore went officially public?
CH?No, we weren?t forced to get licensing from both Wayne and Gene but it is
just the best way to make sure we would have zero legal problems. Legal
problems would be costly for us and could have stopped Nucore sales because
of possible drawn-out battles.
PGJ?Now that is out of the way, do you have some big factory somewhere to
produce all the systems to have Pinball Life distribute?
DH--We are a two-man operation doing pretty much everything. We are making
custom hardware. One board will come with the Nucore base package and it
will provide a key function that we couldn?t emulate safely in software. It
will also provide for future expansion boards allowing the addition of a
real cabinet knocker or a mod to greatly enhance Bill Ung?s saucer mod, for
just two examples. These custom boards will be mass-produced, but we have
designed, built and tested the prototypes. Don is really the genius behind
PGJ?What was your reasoning in adding a distribution level to the venture?
Are you both going to hand it over to them, rake in the profits and spend
your time on the beach in the Cayman Islands?
DH--What we gain by using distribution is control over the marketing and
sales of our product while losing the minutiae of handling orders. We picked
Pinball Life due to their stellar reputation, worldwide distribution and
neutrality between all parties. I really do believe in specialization of
labor and Pinball Life will serve us well. Once we start selling Nucore, Don
and I will be doing all of the support along with help from our testers and
other Nucore users. It will hardly be like sitting on a beach sipping
mojitos with purple umbrellas. We have a lot of work ahead.
FOX Business News. On April 29, 2008 FOX Business News visited the
Stern Pinball factory to see the latest game Indiana Jones on the assembly
line and talk to designer John Borg. The video will be included on a future
PGJ Media Clips DVD. Also, the same day, myFOX Chicago aired a live
report at Stern interviewing Gary Stern.
Pinball Tip #6--Wet, Cold and Damp
This great time of year means wet, cold and damp weather in many parts of the USA and elsewhere. And wet, cold and damp is NOT good news for pinball machines.
If your pinball machine is in a garage or storage or other place that isn’t constantly warm, take a few precautions to protect it:
3. Do play your machine at least once or twice a month, just to get the mechanical parts moving, so they don't build up dirt or goo or corrosion on the switches.
Presented by B.B. Kamoroff, author of "Pinball Machine Care and Maintenance: How to Purchase, Maintain, Adjust and Repair Your Own Pinball Machine," now in its 14th printing. This book is available from the PGJ, click HERE for info OR Click HERE to visit the author's site!
Visit the Repair Tip Archives by clicking HERE