This show is one of, if not THE biggest in the world measured by floor space. It is dedicated to video games, both arcade and home versions, as well as pinball. It literally takes over the entire hotel. It covers two floors and there are games EVERYWHERE. There is a large exhibit hall for gaming and one for pinball. The pinball tournament is outside the pinball room ... in the hall ... and pins line the wall across from that! But the vendors have no room so they are also in the halls. It seems everywhere you go there is a pinball tucked into every corner of the place. For lectures and presentations there is no place dedicated so they use the bar. That makes for some interestingly lively conversation but works out perfectly. And that's just the first floor! |
 Tom Taylor shows off his Space Mission glass ... the very one that hung in the office of designer Steve Kordek |  Just part of Tom Taylor's collection. He opens his building for a pre-show open house on Friday. He has newer games in another room and in others you'll find arcade games of all kinds. |
 The tournament desk is always busy and so are the games across from it |  Show directors stop for my camera as the show goes by in a blur |
 This show is part video games, including consoles, and there's one room dedicated to games, parts and accessories of all kinds |  At what other show will you find a pinball machine that rewards the player with a glass of beer from spout mounted in the center of the backglass? |
 Jersey Jack mingling with fans in the main pinball arcade room |  Stern Pinball's Mark Weyna and Ben Heck take a look at a part from the 3-D printer in the Ben Heck Experience room |
 Why is Zach Sharpe smiling as he takes a turn on (Whoa) Nellie('s) Big Juicy Mellons? Oh. Yah. THAT's why. Wonder if this had anything to do with him winning the tournament, too! |  Just a portion of the pingames in the main room and spread around the entire show. |
 WE are Pinball Life and you're not. |  Stopping by the PGJ booth is Mark Ritchie and John Youssi |
The lower level is mostly dedicated to home video but is very interesting to explore. However there are pinballs down there too including the Ben Heck Experience. When you add Tom Taylor's Friday night open house just a few minutes drive from the hotel, it's pretty amazing. These are some photos from the 2012 edition. There will be more in the soon to be released next issue of the PGJ but take a look at the show's web site by clicking MIDWEST and make plans to attend! |